Our Supporters

We thank our supporters who have made a contribution at any level to the Foundation. We are a 501(c)(3) corporation and all contributions to support its work are tax-deductible.

If you wish your donation to be anonymous, please note that in the Message section of the donation form.

Thank you.

Benefactor: $1000 and over

Albert Jordan
Barry Boss
Michelle Lerner
Maria Mazziotti Gillan
Lawrence Boss
Noriko Paukert

Patron: $501 to $1000

Emily Hyland

Donor: $101 to $500

Blackbaud Fund
Adele Kenny
Xandt Wyntreez
Lorraine Ruzich
Marion Paganello
Wayne Miller

Mary Mumbrue
Eric and Susan Rubel
John Chapman
Andrew Howell
Howard Berelson
Lisa Nicolaou
Debi Rakowsky
Linda Hillringhouse
Frances Maxime
Svea Barrett
Jeff and Genie Hersh
Sheila and Howard Rakowsky
Warren Woessner

Friend: Up to $100

​Kim Reardon
Mercedes Mulligan
Lorraine Ruzich
Terry Buksar
Stanley Barkan
Myers Dance Studio

Wanda and Robert Praisner
Seema Tepper

Jeanne Fleming
R. Zuckerman
Priscilla Orr
Maude Pych
Sheila Massoni
Lisa Dahlborg
Mary Florio
Kenneth Ronkowitz